Variety of fruits on white background Sticky Post


When you pick up an orange from a bowl of fruit, are you very mindful of what you are doing? Probably not; our general attitude towards food in this day and age is basically one of supply and demand. We feel hungry, we eat. Our body or mind craves comfort food, we supply it. Should this really be the state of affairs? Do people today … Continue reading MIND OVER MUNCH: 6 BENEFITS OF MINDFUL EATING

5 Easy Ways to Avoid the Stress of Modern Living

Stress is a terrible thing that overpowers thoughts, senses, and emotions. It brings in its wake anxiety, panic, and loss of control: all emotions that can sabotage happiness. Here are five simple tips that, if practised regularly, can become reflexes that can enable you to avoid stress: 1. Pack loose Has this ever happened to you: You are travelling abroad tomorrow morning. It is 8 … Continue reading 5 Easy Ways to Avoid the Stress of Modern Living

The strain of modern life…

The strain of modern life,Becomes too much to bear at times. Multi-tasking, over-committing and over-scheduling, We try to work faster, harder, better.  Glued to our electronic devices We expose ourselves to eyestrain. Making our perception cloudy, This lifestyle makes us miss out on the important things. Things like spending time with family And hanging out with old friends.  We also tend not to … Continue reading The strain of modern life…