blog series questions question mark

A Blogger’s Impact

Rory, who blogs at A Guy Called Bloke & K9 Doodlepip, asks insightful questions about blogging. Here are some of them together with my answers:

Have you ever considered … the impact you have on people?

So do you think you do and can and if so, is that important to you?

Yes I would like to flatter myself that I do have an impact on people.

The reason why I think my blog posts leave some kind of impact is the feedback that I get in the comments section.

Once you have answered that, tell me how you think your blog does impact upon your readership and what purpose that serves?

I think my blog males people laugh sometimes and I consider that my greatest achievement. Some of my posts are inspirational and these have a positive impact.My Lifestyle and Food posts are informative and have entertainment value.

I  have written several posts in response to writing prompts and challenges. I thought that I was writing these as a creative writing exercise for myself and that no one would be very interested in them. Imagine my surprise when one such post “Our Detrimental Lifestyle” received 77 likes, far exceeding that for any of my other posts.

Then tell me, do you think having an impact is an integral part to blogging?

Blogging is a two way street. The Like, Comment , Follow exercise makes for a very interactive experience. This makes “having an impact” essential to a blog.

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